Wednesday, January 29, 2014

It's a tad cool…..

Sleet all night here at Fort Pickens Campground, Gulf Shores National Park, south of Pensacola, FL.  We could hear it battering the outside of the camper pretty much throughout the night, and periodically would hear a chunk of ice crack and slide off the side of the aluminum skin; our little airstream has kept us snug and warm with use of just a small, 30-year old electric heater, but we are pretty stuck here for now, since we cannot get into the truck!
This same layer of ice covers everything outside.  I know this is nothing compared to the three foot drifts our Michigan friends and neighbors have been experiencing, but it's somehow disconcerting to see palm trees and live oaks coated in ice, and having the truck so covered in the stuff that we cannot hope to open a door until it warms.  Even a hair dryer on the hottest setting did nothing to melt this stuff.

We've extended our stay here by a couple of days, now won't leave until Monday.  We're hoping to have another day or two of pretty sunsets such as the ones we had earlier in our stay, since they are predicting a definite warming over the weekend.

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