Thursday, January 23, 2014

Getting Warmer

"...From years gone by came sweet recall, 
Of how warm warm could be, 
Regardless of the snowflakes' fall…"  (Denis Martindale)

This was this morning when we got up, to 7 degrees Fahrenheit:

Even Murphy was struggling to remain warm: 

Now we are in Alabama, listening to John Denver's "Sunshine on my Shoulders" playing from our iPod, and the temperature is actually above freezing!

We're spending the night in another KOA, south of Birmingham, AL where it's finally warm enough (45 degrees F), for John to de-winterize the camper and get the water tanks cleared out and filled, etc.  Not too exciting - not a destination campground - but clean park and facilities, pleasant staff, all the amenities we need, and most importantly - temps above freezing, which at this point is a luxury! 

Tomorrow we head to Fort Pickens Campground, Gulf Island National Seashore, FL to spend the next 7 days.  This is not what we planned when we left and were heading to Louisiana, but when we realized how close we would be to a National Park campground that we visited 2 years ago and really enjoyed, we decided to make a detour in our plans, and go there as our first "destination campground" (as opposed to transition-campgrounds such as this KOA, where we only spend a night while moving through an area).  We both love this aspect of retirement: the ability to make spur-of-the moment decisions and changes in our travel plans.  Life is good!  

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