whole fish on beds of ice is done with an eye to humor; redfish (red drum) and red snapper are lined up like little soldiers on their beds of ice; the head of the shark from which we can select a cut, is displayed just above the shark body with a red snapper grasped in its toothy mouth; next to that are beds of various sizes of shrimp nested in ice. The rest looks like a great seafood display - the shark head with red snapper is a check on whether the visitors are paying attention. The next day that area is taken over by a large ling cod. The display changes daily, and as we stand there waiting our turn to place an order, one of the workers keeps replenishing the ice around the displayed fish.
We had lunch at a local seafood restaurant overlooking the harbor, sharing a pot of mixed seafood. This was SO good, and we were eating it overlooking the fishing boats that probably brought in some of the catch that we were eating.

We've had some wonderful, simple seafood meals from the fish we purchased in Galveston and prepared in our little Silver Stream Airstream.
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